Brodie Swisher
Fired Up or Burnt Out?7/11/2021 Boys love to play with fire. It's just in their nature. And it really doesn't matter whether they're 4, or 44, the love for starting and stoking a fire is how we are wired.
My boys and I were recently working on cleaning up and burning some old brush piles around the farm. It's a job they're always eager to be in the middle of. Why? Because fire is involved. The boys built a small fire within the belly of the largest pile of brush on the outskirts of the yard and watched it quickly grow to impressive heights. They continued to add old, dried brush to the pile, building a blaze too hot to stand anywhere near. The fire grew so hot, it quickly burned anything we added to its fury. Old brush, green brush, and a few other experimental items the boys added to the mix - they were all quickly consumed within the fire we had rolling. The fire was big enough and bright enough it lit up the yard. And as long as we continued to add fuel (wood) to the fire, it continued to blaze strong, well into to the night. However, the next morning, all that remained were some warm coals below the ashes and the remains of one limb about the size of my arm. I shared the image with my boys as a reminder of how our lives are much the same way. The question was raised, are we fired up for God, or burnt out? Spiritual burn out is a sad place to find ourselves in life, but it's inevitable if we don't continue to stoke the fire. If we fail to add fuel to the fire, sooner or later burn out will occur. It's a reminder that we must stay focused on our purpose, draw closer to God, study His word every day, and share the good news of His story every time the opportunity arises. Are you fired up or burnt out? "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day." 2 Corinthians 4:16
AuthorBrodie Swisher Archives
July 2021
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